There are seven traditional foods typically eaten during Sukkot, as well as Tu B’shvat and Shavuot. These are wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, and dates. Israel Masterchef winner Chef Tom Aviv, of Branja restaurant ...
Beyond Apples and Honey Previous Next Beyond the apples dipped in honey and a round challah there are many other foods that belong on your Rosh Hashanah table. The Talmud (Keritot 6a) states, “Now that ...
When the pitch came from a book editor with Alloy Entertainment in 2003, author Amanda Stern was initially reluctant. “I was onstage doing this event and she happened to be in the audience,” Stern recalled ...
While one becomes a Jewish adult simply by turning 13, one of the many ways in which we mark this transition from childhood to the age of Mitzvah is to begin to contribute to the ...