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Tom Aviv’s Chopped Liver



4 cups of chicken liver (500 g)

4 large white onions

2 1/2 tablespoons of beef fat (optional)

2 shots of whiskey or bourbon

5 tablespoons of olive oil

3 hard boiled eggs, separate the hard boiled

yolks from the whites

1 tablespoon of cumin

Salt and pepper to taste


In a large pan, heat olive oil on a very low heat, add beef fat if you choose to. Once hot, add in onion and cook on low heat for 10-15 minutes until caramelized (avoid cooking on too high heat otherwise the onions will burn and become bitter.)

Once caramelized, raise the heat and add in the liver and cumin, mix until incorporated. Cook until the liver is cooked throughout (no pink parts) but still maintains its juiciness When everything is sizzling, throw in the whiskey or bourbon and let that burn off. When you don’t smell the alcohol anymore, it’s done. 

Add everything to a food processor with the yolks of the hard boiled eggs, and blend in pulses until it’s a fine texture – my preferred consistency. You can mix it less if you prefer a rougher texture, or use a knife and chop finely if you don’t have a food processor. Move mixture to bowl Chop the boiled egg whites and then fold into the mixture. Put in a cake pan and turn out onto a plate for a “pate” like dish.

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