There is a legend in the Talmud about two angels who accompany a person home from synagogue on Shabbat eve. If the angels arrive at the Jewish home and all is prepared beautifully, the “good” ...
Rosh Hashanah would not be complete without a beautiful tasty round challah! JLiving teamed up with Jackie Elkins at Baked T’Shuvah: a social enterprise of Beit T’Shuvah, a non-profit addiction recovery treatment center, community, and ...
During the Jewish holidays our house was always filled with the smell of cinnamon and raisins. My grandmother made this kugel for every holiday and she always cooked it in a glass baking dish. It ...
I was born (3 weeks late!) on Purim. Every year, my Bubbe Yetta would tell the story of getting “the call” just as her Hamentashen were coming out of the oven. She and my Zayde ...