The Galilee Culinary Institute (GCI) by Jewish National Fund (JNF) is a one-of-a-kind total-immersion culinary institution. Based in the heart of Israel’s Galilee, a thriving agricultural region, GCI combines culinary and restaurant expertise, tourism, and ...
I love halva and tahini, and put them together with coconut to make these delicious macaroons. We call them halvaroons, and they are delicious and easy to make. Perfect for Passover! INGREDIENTS 1 ¾ cups ...
This roast chicken is easy as can be. Za’atar and honey gives a great texture and flavor to the skin, and the garlic and lemon perfume the meat. INGREDIENTS 1 whole chicken Olive oil Salt ...
For a modern version of the classic gefilte fish, we adjusted some ingredients and gave them a nice sear. As part of the evolving Passover table these gefilte fish cakes have the carrots and Hezeret ...