Kvell – Local Spotlight Camp Resources

How To Camp
A Guide to SoCal Overnight Jewish Camps
By Margalit Rosenthal, Foundation for Jewish Camp
In the summer of 2024, a record-breaking nearly 190,000 young people experienced the magic of Jewish camp, including over 7,000 in California. They explored the outdoors, tapped into their creativity, formed lifelong friendships, celebrated Shabbat, learned about Israel, and more.
In the past few years, young Jews have gone through the pandemic, wildfires, and war — including a wave of antisemitism following Hamas’ October 7 attack. At camp, they are able to have fun and lean into their Jewish identity: 96% of families of overnight campers reported that camp created an environment where their child is proud to be Jewish, and 92% of families said camp positively impacted their campers’ Jewish identity. Many campers end up participating in more Jewish programming throughout the year.
We’re now gearing up for another exciting summer, with registration for Jewish camp in full swing. Some families already know where their child will be. Many others may be choosing between camps, wondering whether to attend at all or curious about funding options. As the West Coast Regional Director of Foundation for Jewish Camp (FJC) — and an alum of Camp Ramah in California, where I spent 15 summers — my team and I are here to help!
Why Jewish Camp?
Jewish camps reflect the diversity of our community. They span different religious and political affiliations, sizes, environments, session lengths, and activities. California has a wide variety of overnight camp options, from intimate, one to two-week programs to four-week programs that serve 500+ kids at a time. For every kind of camper, there’s a camp that’s right for them. At the same time, a few core elements tie Jewish camps together:
The first is individual and character growth, as campers develop resilience, leadership skills, and more. The second is Shabbat, which is universally a highlight of the week. The third is Israel, which campers might learn about through song, dance, food, or direct interactions and friendships with Israeli Shlichim — emissaries from the Jewish Agency for Israel. And lastly is the opportunity to be around other young Jews in community.
Study after study shows how Jewish camp changes lives. The #1 experience that Jewish communal leaders have in common is camp. Through an initiative at FJC called Character at Camp, we’ve gained increasing visibility into how camp cultivates traits such as kindness.
What is Foundation for Jewish Camp?
There are over 300 non-profit day and overnight camps in FJC’s network throughout the U.S. and Canada, including 15 overnight camps in California alone. FJC acts as a hub and support system for these camps. We partner with them on everything from education for camp professionals to funding programming to building facilities and more. Over the past five years, we’ve distributed over $43 million in grant funding to camps.
More recently, we announced $15 million in funding from The Gottesman Fund for capital expansion projects, including staff housing, camper bunks, and climate resilience. We’re investing millions of dollars into Israel education for this upcoming summer, including placing 70 educators at 70 different camps to lead nuanced, complex, and meaningful programs.
FJC has also invested millions of dollars in mental health and inclusion programs to ensure children and teens with diverse needs and abilities can thrive at camp. In California last year, we distributed wellness grants to year-round camp professionals who work tirelessly to give your children incredible Jewish experiences all while keeping them safe and secure.
Which Camp is Right for My Child?
FJC provides resources for parents, including our Find-a-Camp tool (jewishcamp.org/findacamp) and questions they can ask to find the camp their child will thrive in. Below, you’ll find a select list of overnight camps in California with some information on what makes each one special.
Many camps offer opportunities for campers and their families to explore camp, such as “Rookie Days” or “Taste of” programs that may give you more insight into a specific camp. There’s also no single right age to attend overnight camp. Most camps begin sessions for kids entering the 2nd or 3rd grade. Some kids are ready at younger ages. Others need more time.
FJC and the camps in our network care deeply about making sure campers feel seen and have opportunities to explore and grow in a safe environment. FJC supports 102 day and overnight camps with funding to hire mental health professionals through our Yedid Nefesh Initiative and has also invested $12 million to create more accessible spaces for campers with disabilities through the Yashar Initiative.
We know that with the recent, devastating fires in the Los Angeles area that safety is top of mind for many parents. Our camps all go through extensive safety preparation and scenario planning to ensure that they are ready for whatever comes their way.
Are There Resources to Make Camp More Affordable?
Absolutely! Camps distributed approximately $37 million in financial aid to families last summer. FJC’s signature program, One Happy Camper® (OHC), continues to provide incentive grants to help camps attract new campers and increase camper enrollment. We’ve provided over 125,000 of these need-blind grants since the program’s inception, including over 7,000 last summer alone.
In Southern California, FJC has three main OHC partners, including the Jewish Federation of Los Angeles, the Jewish Federation of San Diego, and a brand-new partner in 2025, the Jewish Federation of the Greater San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys. Each of these partners has slightly different criteria for inclusion and grant amounts.
To apply for OHC grants, parents should find a camp for their child, register their child at camp, and then apply using our online application. There is additional funding available through Small Communities Incentive Grants, a program of OHC, for new and second-year campers from small communities of approximately less than 10,000 Jewish residents to attend an overnight camp of their choice. On the West Coast, FJC also offers a unique Israeli-American Incentive Program for Israeli-Americans living full-time/year-round in western states and attending camps in these states.
Visit onehappycamper.org to learn more about available grants.

Location: Petaluma, California
Jewish Flavor: Just Jewish
Session Lengths: 1 or 2 weeks
Founded in 2009, Camp Bechol Lashon provides campers and staff from across the country an opportunity to be in a community for ethnically and racially diverse Jews. Campers enjoy a variety of camp activities like art, cooking, music, and dance as well as an educational curriculum focused on Jews as a multicultural people.
Location: Ojai, California Jewish Flavor: Conservative
Jewish Flavor: Conservative
Session Lengths: 10 days or 4 weeks depending on camper age
Specialty Programs: Amitizm and Ezra programs for campers and young adults with disabilities
Nestled in the Ojai Valley in Southern California and operating for nearly 70 years, Camp Ramah cultivates lifelong friendships through bunk and age-based activities, joyful Jewish immersive experiences, and classic camp activities like time at the pool, sports, ropes course, cooking, arts, theater, and more
Location: Monterey, California
Jewish Flavor: Conservative
Session Lengths: 2, 4, or 6 weeks depending on camper age
Specialty Programs: Amitizm and Ezra programs for campers and young adults with disabilitiesEnjoy a private beachfront on the Pacific Ocean and activities like Ocean .
Exploration, Scuba, Cycling, and Dance all in dorm-style living. One of California’s newest camps provides a traditional Ramah experience with the added bonus of specialty programming for campers who like to go deep into one or two activities.
Location: Hayward, California
Jewish Flavor: Just Jewish
Session Lengths: 10 days or 3 weeks
Specialty Programs: Full summer CIT program for rising 12th graders
Camp is focused on the transformative power of sports and community, allowing campers to enhance their skills in particular athletics while developing lifelong skills in resilience, compassion, and what it means to be part of a community on the campus of Cal State East Bay. Campers work with expert coaches to hone their skills in basketball, soccer, racket sports, baseball, volleyball or multisport options for most of their day, but there is still time to make tie-dye and friendship bracelets, celebrate Shabbat, and participate in a talent show.
Location: Carlsbad, California
Jewish Flavor: Reform
Session Lengths: 15 or 22 days
Specialty Programs: Full summer CIT leadership program; Yahm Surf (8 day surfing program), Yahm Scuba (8 day scuba program)
For nearly 75 years, WBT Camps have provided kids and teens an opportunity to become part of a special, close-knit community revolving around bunk-based activities. With their historic Malibu site still recovering from the Woolsey wildfire in 2018, WBT Camps now have a temporary home at a boarding school on the shores of the Pacific Ocean in north San Diego. Campers develop personal identity, build self-esteem and learn about Judaism, all while having fun – especially during song-filled Friday nights – and making friendships for life.
Location: Angelus Oaks, California
Jewish Flavor: Just Jewish
Session Lengths: 13 days
Part of Shalom Institute, Camp GesheЯ is the only overnight camp in North America that caters to kids and teens from Russian-speaking backgrounds. Campers learn about Jewish values and experiences, traditions, and holidays through a non-religious lens and an experiential approach alongside young counselors who are part of their community. Swim, climb, dance, cook, interact with animals, and more!

Location: Jamul, California
Jewish Flavor: Reform
Session Lengths: One 15-day session
Specialty Program: CIT summer program
Operating for 60 years from Temple Akiba in Culver City, CA, Camp Akiba provides a safe, inclusive and immersive Jewish camping experience that fosters connection, personal growth and imagination for temple members and non-members alike. Campers enjoy elective programming including hiking, cooking, Israeli dancing, and more, and end the week with a Shabbat and Havdalah experience.
Location: Lake View Terrace, CA
Jewish Flavor: Just Jewish
Session Lengths: 12, 19, or 25 days depending on camper age
Specialty Programs: Full CIT summer for rising 12th graders
Operating at the Gold Creek Retreat Center until they can return to their historic Malibu site, Camp JCA Shalom provides transformative experiences through communal living, outdoor learning, community, and camp magic. Camp is fueled by a radically inclusive philosophy, and individuals of all religious, racial, and ethnic backgrounds and diverse abilities come together to enjoy arts and crafts, ziplining, sports, swimming, Israel Day, color war, and more.
Location: Brandeis, California
Jewish Flavor: Just Jewish
Session Lengths: 13, 22, or 27 days depending on camper age
Specialty Programs: Full summer teen leadership CIT program; horse and animal program
Founded in 1953, Camp Alonim was created to be a laboratory for living Judaism – an environment where campers could experience Judaism in everything they do and could experiment with their Judaism in new ways. Located on the largest Jewish-owned piece of land outside of the State of Israel (and just outside of Los Angeles), Alonim ensures that campers experience the vibrancy of Jewish life every day through music, Israeli dance, sports, arts and crafts, nature, and social action.
Location: Santa Rosa, California
Jewish Flavor: Reform
Session Lengths: 2 or 4 weeks, depending on camper age
Specialty Programs: Teen leadership programs
Focused on values of community, acceptance, role-modeling, and each and everyone, URJ Camp Newman is part of a proud lineage of Reform Jewish camping in California. At camp, there is no such thing as a ‘typical day,’ and campers may enjoy dozens of activities, including archery, Krav Maga, bunk bonding, sports, art and crafts, drama, swimming, ropes course, music and songleading, and so much more.

Location: Healdsburg, California
Jewish Flavor: Just Jewish
Session Lengths: 12, 19, or 40 days
Specialty Program: Keter program for rising 10th and 11th graders
Enjoy a variety of traditional and non-traditional camp activities with direct access to the Russian River! Campers build a close community in an intimate setting while doing sports, arts, and swimming as well as unique offerings such as organic educational farming, forestry, herbalism, and more. Campers jam out every day at lunch with the camp band, learning new American camp classics with their counselors.
Location: Big Bear, California
Jewish Flavor: Labor Zionist, affiliated with Habonim Dror youth movement
Session Lengths: 2, 3, or 5 weeks
Specialty Programs: Madatz CIT program
Part of the historic Habonim Dror youth movement, Camp Gilboa creates a unique communal environment where everyone participates in camp like a modern-day kibbutz. Each camper and staff member has a role to play at camp (kitchen, cleaning, organizing, etc.) before enjoying activities by age group planned by the camp’s youth leadership, rest time, pool time, Hebrew, singing, and ending the day with a special evening activity.
Location: Glendale, California
Jewish Flavor: Just Jewish
Session Lengths: 6 days
Specialty Programs: Witherbee Wilderness for returning campers grades 9-12
Located in the city, Camp Bob Waldorf offers sessions for Jewish campers and non-Jewish campers at highly discounted rates targeted at underserved communities. Camp is dedicated to providing the tools and support system kids need to thrive from elementary school to college and beyond, driven by the values of community, inclusion, identity and respect, and their Jewish Cultural Session incorporates Jewish values, culture, and traditions. Campers enjoy all the classic activities, including swimming, ropes course, horseback riding and animal care, sports, and more. CAMP
Location: Big Bear, California
Jewish Flavor: Just Jewish
Session Lengths: 13 or 19 days
Specialty Programs: Kavanah full summer for rising 11th graders; CIT program for rising 12 graders
The only camp created specifically for the San Diego Jewish community, Camp Mountain Chai now welcomes campers from across the state to experience hiking, kayaking, arts and crafts, theater, sports, and so much more. CMC Olympic Games and other unique camp-wide activities provide opportunities to learn and live Jewish values in a community.
Location: Running Springs, California
Jewish Flavor: Modern Orthodox, part of the Bnei Akiva religious Zionist youth movement
Session Lengths: 2, 4, or 6 weeks
Specialty Programs: Yachad shadow-based inclusion program for campers with special needs
As the only Modern Orthodox camp on the West Coast, Moshava Alevy caters to campers not only from California but from across the country. Dedicated to Torah Va’Avodah, camp highlights the importance of interpersonal relationships, social justice, and community-building all in a classic camp environment.
Location: Groveland, California Jewish Flavor: Just Jewish
Session Lengths: 2 or 3 weeks
Specialty Programs: Adventure Quests (1-3 weeks), Teen Leadership Institute for rising 11th graders, all-gender cabins offered
For 100 years, Camp Tawonga has been providing kids and teens opportunities to connect with nature, community, and Judaism. Shabbat in beautiful Yosemite National Park bookends weeks full of wilderness exploration, boating on a private lake, gardening, archery, and more.